is published by Michael Zeiler and Polly White. This site provides information, maps, photos and videos related to all types of solar eclipses around the world. The web store offers eclipse related items to support the ongoing work and education on solar eclipses.
Michael Zeiler
Michael Zeiler produces the maps and animations on this website. He is a geographer who recently retired from the leading provider of geographic information systems (GIS) software, Michael has witnessed total solar eclipses since 1991. In 2009 while writing his book, Modeling Our World, he realized how advanced GIS technology could be applied to publish new eclipse maps of high precision and good cartographic quality. After creating his first eclipse map for the total solar eclipse of July 22, 2009, Michael launched in 2010 to showcase new and historic eclipse maps. Recognizing the widespread public interest in the August 21, 2017 total solar eclipse, Michael launched on August 21, 2014. Michael is a member of the International Astronomical Union Working Group on Solar Eclipses and is honored to have an asteroid (53253) Zeiler named after him. Michael Zeiler may be contacted at

polly White
Polly White is co-publisher and business manager of Polly is a seasoned eclipse chaser and loves to share her passion for the exquisite beauty of total solar eclipses. Polly has worked extensively in managerial and executive roles in small businesses and she directs the development of opportunities, partnerships, and public relations for Great American Eclipse. Polly also manages product development and order fulfillment of our store at Polly may be contacted at

Xavier Jubier
Xavier Jubier has pioneered the development of high-precision eclipse calculations on interactive web maps. His website provides interactive Google eclipse maps for a span of five-thousand years. Xavier has travelled around the world to view solar eclipses including extreme eclipse expeditions to Antarctica. Xavier adapted his software to compute data used to produce the high-precision mapping of eclipse circumstances in the maps and videos on this website. These calculations are corrected for the precise shape of the Moon's limb as lunar mountains and valleys affect the onset and egress of totality by up to several seconds. Xavier is a member of the International Astronomical Union Working Group on Solar Eclipses.

Fred Espenak
Fred Espenak is widely recognized as the world's leading expert on eclipse predictions. For decades, he published eclipse predictions for NASA and retired from the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. Fred publishes eclipse and astrophotography resources at and Fred's calculations of eclipse Besselian Elements are the computational foundation for today's high-precision eclipse predictions and the maps on this website. Fred is also a member of the International Astronomical Union Working Group on Solar Eclipses.
This website is produced at considerable expense and time investment and we hope to keep it free from outside advertisements. To help defray these expenses, a purchase from this website's online store would be appreciated.
Web and print publications and educational institutions may use the maps and videos created by Michael Zeiler for non-commercial purposes provided that credit to "Michael Zeiler," and a live link to is given. Other publications such as print books, magazine stories, and ebooks must receive permission from Michael Zeiler before the re-use of the maps and videos that are on this website. For more on the use of our content, see our Guidelines for Use.
If you wish to use content on this website from contributors other than Michael Zeiler, please respect their copyright and contact them directly. Please email us at if you need contact information for the contributors who graciously provided their images and videos.