Eclipse Resources for Media, Education, and Outreach
We are the leading source for beautiful and informative eclipse maps and animations.
We provide 3.5 gigabytes of media content — maps, animations, and images — for print, web, broadcast, and social media use. People doing education and outreach are also welcome to use these resources for non-commercial purposes.
News outlets, websites, magazines, and educational institutions may use the maps and videos with credit and live link to
"Michael Zeiler,".
We also have a YouTube channel and vimeo channel that can be linked to. This video content includes flyover videos, and animated maps of the Moon's shadow passing over the US for both upcoming solar eclipses.
Press Kit
October 14th, 2023 Flyover Video
Great American Eclipse creates flyover video of the October 14th, 2023 annular eclipse.
April 8th, 2024 Flyover Video
Great American Eclipse creates flyover video of the April 8, 2024 total solar eclipse.