Total solar eclipse over Nebraska
Nebraska, the Cornhusker State, is neatly bisected by the path of the total solar eclipse. As the state is dominated by treeless prairies and crop fields, there will be little interference of the total eclipse of the Sun by trees, terrain, or structures.
Conveniently, a very long stretch of Interstate 80 from before North Platte to the edges of Lincoln is within the path of totality. This divided highway will thus afford great mobility in the event that dodging clouds becomes necessary. Unless there is widespread cloudy weather, eclipse-seeking visitors should meet success if they utilize Interstate 80 and other roads in Nebraska. Highway 385 in the vicinity of Alliance, Nebraska would be a good choice with uncrowded roads, proximity to maximum eclipse duration, and favored weather odds.
The western section of Nebraska has better odds for clear skies according to Jay Anderson, the eclipse meteorologist who operates the authoritative eclipse weather website, As you go eastwards in Nebraska, the weather statistics become less favorable but not dauntingly so. As with any location, even the sunny Willamette Valley in Oregon, you must carefully consult the weather report in the two or three days before eclipse and adjust your strategy accordingly. With a pro-active strategy and the wide-open roads of Nebraska, the attentive eclipse chaser will increase their odds to a high probability of success.
By our best estimate, Nebraska is the closest destination for 33 million Americans and we further estimate actual visitation on eclipse day at between 117,000 and 466,000 people. Details at
Dan McGlaun of has a great page dedicated to detailed eclipse predictions for communities within the path of totality in Nebraska at